About Us


​​Our Lady of the Rosary (OLR) offers your child a sound academic education in a Catholic environment. We are a co-educational Catholic Parish School situated on the Sunshine Coast, in the picturesque beachside city of Caloundra.

OLR is a small school of 355 students in Prep to Year Six with two classes in each year level. This enables us to be a tightly-knit community where we know every student and their family.

OLR shares with students and parents a welcoming family atmosphere, great community spirit and an active parent body. Our school has a caring, progressive staff and offers a dynamic, evolving curriculum, based on academic excellence, gospel values and spiritual awareness.

OLR was opened in 1980 by the Sisters of St Joseph and is solidly built on the Catholic Christian tradition and the Charism of Mary MacKillop. Mary Mackillop's quote “Never see a need without doing something about it” is a firmly established ‘catch-cry’ at our school which often drives our purpose as a Catholic learning community.

These traditions are highly valued and have continued to thrive through the joint efforts of staff, parents, students, parish and the wider community. Through these traditions, the OLR school community strives to shape the uniqueness of our individual ‘spirits’ to create a communal spirituality which is characterised by our motto: ‘to pray, to care, to share’.

​​Children are accepted into OLR on the understanding that you fully support the ethos and policies of the school. Our aim is to create an excellent school by having all stakeholders working together. Communication is an important part of any partnership. In classroom matters, the first point of contact is the classroom teacher. In other matters, please feel free to approach the office.

Primary school is an important step in a child’s development as a learner and as an individual. Your child’s journey, with your help, can be one which is made with increasing confidence. With a united approach, OLR is able to provide a vibrant and positive environment.

We welcome your interest.

​© BCE, Our Lady of the Rosary School, Caloundra  (2023)